Wausau Area looking to become more NORML

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Is anyone out there in the Wausau, Merrill, Mosinee, Marshfi​eld, Stevens Point, Plover, Wisconsin Rapids area that is ready to be NORML?


Northern Wisconsin NORML Founder and Director Jay Selthofner organized the THC (Talking Hemp and Cannabis Tour which had an expo style event in Wisconsin Rapids.  The THC Tour drew local news coverage and a report from the Madison NORML Examiner as NORML and state activists educated patients, supporters and concerned citizens of the Wisconsin Rapids area.  A special guest Al “Goodheart” Baker, Ojibwe Sacred Drummer and carrier of song also enlightened the crowd with story and song.  Wausau means “a faraway place” or “a place which can be seen from far away” in the Ojibwe language.  Along with education to the general public, great fellowship was found among regional leaders for marijuana reform and we look forward to being back in this far away place and network in this area again.

Although Wisconsin Rapids was not the huge turnout that the Berlin THC Tour stop commanded, the WI Rapids stop created a unique buzz which we attributed to the lower turn out. (Locals thought it was a plot to get them all to the public library…lol….not really!!)  Well, medical marijuana patients and recreational cannabis users have a right to be paranoid, one of them is busted every 37 seconds.

A Pot Smoker is Busted Every 37 Seconds, and you wonder why we'er paranoid.

There is a huge lesson learned here as we go forward.  NORML will help out in your area, but it is best to have a supporting crew located in the city selected for the public awareness campaign.  The local field crew can help promote and organize, playing a key role in putting together a successful event.  Outfitted with the correct tools and training by your regional leaders can certainly take some anxiety away about being public and is available if needed.  Private roles are also needed to complete a successful campaign, so all interested should please apply.

THC Tour

We would like to also point out that the 2010 THC Tour locations were selected to created public awareness in specific districts of known opposition as activists pushed to pass the Jacki Rickert Medical Marijuana Act.   As the session ended without the JRMMA (Jacki Rickert Medical Marijuana Act) making it out of committee and ultimately to the floor for a vote, our work continues.  With the legislation dead and without pending legislation or even an outspoken legislative voice on the issue on our great state, we feel all areas of Wisconsin need to light it up with activity!

Right now, there are a multitude of ways to get active.  Sharing this story with people in the Marathon, Lincoln, Langlade, Shawano, Waupaca, Portage, Wood, Clark, Taylor and Price County area is a good start and joining the NORML family today is another.  To help with this particular campaign and bring an awareness event to this area, please use the following form and answer our quick questionnaire.  For more information or for immediate service, please email NorthernWiNORML@gmail.com, thank you.

Initial ground work has been laid over the summer and Field Directors will be contacting you shortly if you had initially volunteered by email or the previous form.  Please feel free to submit your information again so that an accurate list can be provided and directed to field directors for Northern Wisconsin NORML and Wisconsin NORML that are working in the Wausau Area.  If you know someone else in the area that would be interested, please reach out to them today! Thank you and we hope to see you yet for a meeting or event in 2014. Please keep in mind that the next scheduled event in Wausau is:

What: Talking Hemp and Cannabis (THC) Tour. 
When: Saturday June 7th, 2014 from 2:00 until 4:00pm 
Where: Marathon County Public Library, 300 N. 1st Street, Wausau, Wisconsin

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