Wisconsin Marijuana Attorney Bryon Walker, his friends and family need our help!

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On the evening of December 13, 2012 a dear friend to so many many people literally from all walks of life, Atty. Bryon Walker, most recently of LaFarge had a 2 significant Brain Aneurysms, he was transferred from Viroqua Hospital to Gunderson Hospital in LaCrosse. Since he arrived in Gunderson Hosp he was diagnosed with 2 bleeds on his brain caused by vasoconstrictor type aneurysm. His life and condition was further complicated by a massive right lobe stroke with the addition of 3 seizures. At this time Bryon is stable. Bryon is currently in a chronic persistent vegetative state and he has been since January 6, 2013 Bryon will be transferred in the next week or two to a restorative care facility in Madison.

Bryon Walker

Atty. Bryon Walker was a lifetime Madison resident raised on the eastside on Dahle St, he attended East High and he was part of the founding group of students that wrote the first Ford Foundation grant funding the first Malcolm Shabazz school in Madison in 1970. He graduated from Malcolm Shabazz Alternative School in 1971. Bryon lived in the Jenifer St Neighborhood and Willy St Neighborhoods until his recent move to LaFarge.

Bryon’s service to the misrepresented and the little guy was reflected in his longterm role as Public Defender in multiple counties in southern and western Wisconsin. He was the original Weedstock Atty. and he worked with multiple cases through NORML of WI, Bryon was Ben Masel’s Atty. in Ben’s multiple free speech cases over a period of 30+ yrs. as well as many of Ben Masel’s other marijuana and medical marijuana cases brought before local courts on a fairly regular basis.

Bryon also recently defended Dana Beal, a long time medical marijuana and ibogane advocate in an Iowa Cty, WI. Court, where over 100 character witness’ who came to testify about his role in Medical Marihuana delivery to many critically ill patients from New York , New Zealand, Michigan, New Jersey, California, Washington and several other states. I personally was present at the Dana Beal trial and the judge expressed he had never in his days on the bench seen such a creative legal defense, by Atty. Bryon Walker as well the significant group of people who all with their stories of legitimate medical marijuana use for themselves or their chronically ill family members. This Judge gave Dana Beal 2yrs of what could have potentially been a 30+ yr sentence due to the magnitude of medical grade marijuana he was arrested with while transporting it to states that do not prosecute for the use of medical marijuana.

Bryon never got rich as an Atty. but he was extremely rich in family and friends. He felt his place in the world as an Atty. was to represent the misrepresented. To defend freedom of speech and to assist the chronically ill with marijuana charges he felt were unjust due to their illness.  Bryon also worked at Union Cab for many years in many different capacities

Father, Friend, Attorney, Colleague and so much more…Bryon Walker

Bryon has 3 Children, Laura, a single mother to Bryon’s infant grandson Brody, Moira is a hearing impaired freshman student at UW River Falls and Dylan is a high school student in LaFarge High School. Bryon has been the primary support to these children until December 13, 2012 and it is unknown what the future is for Bryon. The likelihood of him regaining consciousness is extremely bleak.

We have organized this benefit to assist Bryon’s children with their future. All funds Bryon had saved for his Children’s future and all of his assets will be absorbed by the state and federal government due to his lack of traditional health insurance.

Bryon did not attend to his symptoms due to the fact he had no health insurance of any type. Had Bryon had some type of traditional insurance and had been able to seen in a preventative manner the likelihood of the aneurysms extensive damage to his brain being prevented was significant.

Please join us for our day of music, food, silent auction, good friends and fun. Help us build a future for these 3 lovely children so they can get the education their father would have happily provided for them. Bryon’s love for his children was paramount. They were literally the world to him.

Cate Wilcox Nash
5971 cty rd K
Blue Mounds, WI. 53517

Also my FB email is SAABwmn@facebook.com
My regular email is SAABwmn@icloud.com

A “Chipin” Account/Website has be established by The Friends of Bryon Walker for those wishing to donate.

Please also note the information about the benefit concert that has been organized:

Bryon Walker Benefit Concert Sunday, February 17, 2013

Regent Street Retreat, 1212 Regent Street, Madison, Wisconsin 53715

Featuring Kristy Larson Band 1:00 to 3:00 Puss In Boots 3:00 to 4:00 Vinyl Thunder 4:30 to 5:30 Falcon 6:00 to 7:00.

Facebook Event Link

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