Wisconsin ASA to hold meeting and begin Columbia County petition process.

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The Wisconsin Chapter of Americans for Safe Access is becoming very active in Wisconsin.  I recently received an email reminder for the Saturday September 14th, 2013 meeting in Columbus.  Here is a copy of the email and link to the Wisconsin ASA Facebook Event for the meeting:

This meeting is so important I have decided to personally email you. Columbus Wi is a small community that has shown tremendous support on decriminalizing medical cannabis. A petition is being presented to our group for approval as well as signing up to obtain signatures. We will be needing dedicated people or this task.

This ordinance will be the first  positive move to decriminalize cannabis in Columbia County. Madison shown precedence when it passed a similar ordinance which the county of Dane soon adopted. Columbus is now following suit.

Because Wisconsin does not have a statewide referendum, it is necessary to petition each county and this is why this meeting is urgent.

I am looking forward to seeing you on Saturday September 14th at 1:00 p.m. Above the Hydro Street Brewery in Columbus, 154 W. James Street.

For more information, contact Bunny Balk, Chairman for Wisconsin ASA via email at wisconsinasa@gmail.com

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