Teapot Party and NORML mixer created a buzz in Berlin about marijuana reform.

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Image by Jeff Nichol www.jeffnicholart.com

Willie Nelson was detained and arrested for marijuana possession at the end of 2010.   Willie Nelson sparked a new political effort after his arrest for marijuana, telling CelebStoner.com, “There is the Tea Party. How about the Teapot Party? Our motto: ‘Tax it, regulate it, legalize it.” along with a call for action as the National Teapot Party encourages supporters to organize for two dates synchronized on a national basis.  No easy task by any means, especially in just a month or two.  Networking with other organizations like NORML, MPP, SSDP and ASA has been stressed by the movement.  CelebStoner reported:

The second-ever Teapot Party Meetup is scheduled for Tues., Jan. 18. There are expected be more than 200 nationwide. Nearly 1,500 people have signed up at meetup.com.

Northern Wisconsin NORML / Teapot Party Mixer

Northern Wisconsin NORML participated in the first meeting day on December 15th and also provided the opportunity for supporters to join them for the January 18th meetup.  The chapter conducted norml business, including a review of the visit from Senator Luther Olsen (R-Ripon).  Plans also were set in motion to host a second annual 4/20 Free Concert in the park, as well as continuing with hosting a joint adventure with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources for free fishing day in the first weekend in June.  The activists then celebrated afterward with an additional brainstorming session at Berlin Family Restaurant and Izzy’s Pub in Berlin.

Always able to find a random sampling of citizens to poll or question is nice, but generally the public wants to be brought up to speed, eagerly jumping in on the cannabis conversations.   Throughout our work in the community, people have informed us that they use our public voice and image as a chance to start the conversation with the individuals in their circle.  Whether marching in a parade, handing out a flyer, standing on the corner with a sign, speaking to your elected officials, organizing a chapter or simply going out and talking about the topic of the day breeds and spawns new activity.

We hope you can join us at our one of our monthly meetings (next February 22nd 6:30pm), attending one of our upcoming events or volunteering to help with individual projects.  Be the change you want to see in the world.  If not us, who. If not know when.

Northern Wisconsin NORML Logo T-shirts now available at www.NorthernWINORML.org

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