Is My Medicine Legal Yet? planned to be asked to legislators at Gov. Walker State of State address Tuesday Feb 1st

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WHAT:  Cannabis Vigil at Gov. Scott Walker’s first State of the State Address

WHEN:  February 1st, 2010 5:00pm

WHERE:  Wisconsin State Capitol, Madison

WHO:  Medical marijuana patients, cannabis activists, other like minded people and supporters

Reported from the office of Gary Stork, Madison NORML and Is My Medicine Legal Yet?

On Tuesday, Feb 1, 2011 at 7 pm, newly elected WI Governor Scott Walker will be delivering his first “State of the State” Address in the State Capitol’s Assembly Chambers to the full legislature, most ranking state government officials and the press.

Beginning at 5:00 pm, medical cannabis patients, cannabis activists and other like minded people and supporters will once again be holding a vigil outside the Assembly Chambers to demonstrate majority support for cannabis law reform in Wisconsin. This vigil has been an annual event dating back to the 1990s. Cannabis activists have now outlasted three governors, Tommy Thompson, Scott McCallum and Jim Doyle in their determination to end this injustice.

Please join us to vigil before and during the governor’s address and mingle with lawmakers and others once it has concluded. Small signs should be okay.

Face Book Event:  Cannabis Vigil at Gov. Scott Walker’s first State of the State Address

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