Editorial: Wisconsin needs to catch up

Wisconsin needs to catch up with the rest of the states in terms of marijuana reform (among other things). The war on drugs has proven to be a waste of tax payer’s money. Marijuana has so many more uses than just smoking. Everything from food, fiber, medicine and fuel. Cultivation of hemp in our great state used to be among one of the largest in the country. We need that back to help create jobs and help our struggling farmer in our state.
I believe that Colorado and Washington have accomplished what the majority of Americans already believe, the death of marijuana prohibition in this country. Those two states have sparked an even bigger the momentum in this fight for marijuana reform and the end of the war on drugs.
I am working to bring awareness to the issue in the Chippewa Falls area and look forward to bringing a NORML event to the area with your help. If you have a suggestion for an event, would like to explore being a Field Activist in your area or would like to become more active with the chapter in the Chippewa Falls area, please do not hesitate to contact me at NorthernWiNORML@gmail.com.
You can help Wisconsin catch up by donating today. I would like to call on my fellow Wisconsin citizens to get active in your area and donate!