Editorial: Wisconsin, take the high road on marijuana by Christian Schneider of WPRI
Traditionally, the truism about marijuana legalization is that if you think it’s ever going to happen, you’ve almost certainly just sampled some yourself.
But with Colorado and Washington having recently legalized marijuana for recreational use, it might be time to re-examine our relationship with the drug and whether the federal government should be dictating marijuana policy to the states where citizens support legalization.
It’s difficult to see exactly how different the world would be if states were allowed to dictate their own marijuana policy; it’s not like the nation would be overrun by the guy from your dorm who played his guitar at 3 a.m. Currently, marijuana policy represents a facsimile of a world that we’d like to see, not the one that currently exists.
The people who want the drug right now can generally get their hands on it; some cities, such as Madison, have decriminalized “casual” possession in private places. Public possession amounts to a fine of only $100 and isn’t considered a crime – you’re likely to receive a larger fine for having a Scott Walker bumper sticker on your car. Yet people in Madison still get up, go to work, march on the Capitol and generally manage their lives.
It’s difficult to condemn smoking weed when even the current president was once a card-carrying pothead. Back in his Hawaii high school, Barack Obama was part the self-described “Choom Gang,” which believed in the doctrine of “Total Absorption” – blazing up in a car with the windows rolled up so you get the benefit of secondhand smoke. What’s the lesson to kids here? Smoke weed and you’ll only be elected to the presidency twice?
So far, 18 states have legalized medical marijuana, recognizing the need for compassion for the sick. But individual rights shouldn’t begin simply because someone contracts a disease; freedom of choice should be extended to everyone. Plus, full legalization would end the ridiculous charade of people pretending they’re sick to obtain phony “prescriptions.” Generally, these people simply suffer from headaches brought on by lack of awesome weed. (Possible Surgeon General’s warning: COULD CAUSE DANCING IN PUBLIC.)
There’s actually a very good reason to outlaw most controlled substances – people addicted to them cause significant damage to others. For instance, there’s no such thing as a “responsible heroin user.” If you live next to someone on methamphetamine, enjoy your new flat screen television, because it’ll be gone in a week.
But marijuana is different, especially when compared with Wisconsin’s state pastime: drinking. Humorist John Hodgman once imagined society without alcohol: “All the unbroken homes! All of the highway nonfatalities! All of the well-considered tattoos and planned pregnancies and books unwritten by Charles Bukowski!” By contrast, marijuana users generally remain sedentary – and if you’ve seen some of the heaviest users, it’s in society’s interest to keep them at home (If only to spare us from speeches about how George Washington grew hemp.)
But even conservatives that might object to legalization of any kind can find refuge in the argument that states should be allowed to decide how best to cater to their own citizens. In 2005, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that California couldn’t allow homegrown medical marijuana, deeming it a violation of the broadly interpreted Commerce Clause.
But Justice Clarence Thomas dissented, convincingly writing that our federalist system “allows California and a growing number of other States to decide for themselves how to safeguard the health and welfare of their citizens.” Like the death penalty – which actually kills people – if you don’t like marijuana, you’re free to live in a state that doesn’t allow it, or convince your local legislators to change it.
I get it – for social conservatives, starting to legalize drugs is just one more step toward a Gomorrah-like existence with which we are unfamiliar. Suddenly smoking weed isn’t a crime, bread is actually bad for you and dudes are marrying other dudes in churches. But for those who are suffering from the angst of progress, come a little closer. I might have something that will take the edge off.
Christian Schneider is a senior fellow at the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute, a nonpartisan conservative think tank. He writes the Yankee Review blog as part of the Editorial Board’s Purple Wisconsin feature at JSOnline.com. Email christian@wpri.org