Selthofner shows courage, conviction
As published in the Berlin Journal Newspapers and affiliates on Thursday, September 30, 2010. Issue Number 39.
As an American who can trace his ancestry back to the Mayflower, whose forbears fought in the revolution, I am proud to see Jay Selthofner show the kind of courage it took to end the Salem Witch Trials in 1692, or to face overwhelming British force in 1775. It is the kind of courage John Kennedy, another New Englander, admired, where a person speaks the unwelcome truth against a powerful regime.
Jay is a man of the people in the greatest sense. He does not parade false patriotism, but addresses the most important issues of our time in the context of hemp, a wrongly forbidden alternative to petroleum, pharmaceuticals and alcohol.
By so daring to tread, yea, to dance upon a political third rail, Jay Selthofner joins the ranks of the best America has to offer.
These words come from Dave Wilkinson, Emmy-nominated Director of a popular public TV show and author of the novel “WITCHGRASS: a pipe dream.”
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