Please Thank Congressman Tom Petri for voting to end the cruel assault on medical marijuana

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Selthofner and Petri at the Waushara County Fair in 2010
Selthofner and Petri at the Waushara County Fair in 2010

I will be sending Congressman Tom Petri (R – Fond du Lac) a thank you note for supporting medical marijuana patients and voting YES to ending the cruel assault on medical marijuana by the federal government (Rohrabacher-Hinchey-McClintock-Farr Amendment to H.R. 5326, the Commerce, Justice, and Science appropriations bill). Politicians who support sound public policy are awarded votes by the constituent base come election time.  

If you live in the 6th Congressional District of Wisconsin (Adams, Waushara, Marquette, Green Lake, Fond du Lac, Winnebago, Dodge, Calumet, Sheboygan, Manitowoc and northeastern parts of Jefferson Counties) I urge you to contact Congressman Petri and thank him also.  The additional 7 Wisconsin Congressional Representatives stances are listed at the end of this entry.  The direct contact information for Congressman Petri:

Congressman Tom Petri
Washington, DC Office
2462 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2476
Fax: (202) 225-2356

Here is a copy of the email I received from the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) as well as links to help you expedite your activism.

Dear Jay,

Recently, the U.S. House of Representatives defeated an amendment that could have finally ended the federal assault on medical marijuana. It is outrageous that they voted to keep suffering patients away from their medicine!

However, thanks to pressure from supporters like you, your representative voted for the amendment. They need to hear from you to know the public applauds their vote and encourages their continued support of medical marijuana!

Thank Rep. Tom E. Petri for voting to protect medical marijuana patients from federal attacks.

The amendment Rep. Petri voted for would have prohibited the Drug Enforcement Administration and Department of Justice from spending taxpayer money to undermine state medical marijuana laws that allow patients to safely access their medicine.

The vast majority of the public believes the assault on medical marijuana should end. Tens of thousands of you took action and it had a positive impact — Rep. Petri respected the will of voters and voted the right way!

Keep up the pressure: thank Rep. Petri for voting to end the cruel assault on medical marijuana.

Drug Policy Alliance (DPA)


Bill Piper
Director, Office of National Affairs
Drug Policy Alliance


Republican Tom Petri of Fond du Lac was not the only Wisconsin Republican to vote in favor of this amendment.  Petri and Reid Ribble of Appleton joined Democrats Tammy Baldwin of Madison and Gwen Moore of Milwaukee to vote in favor of this amendment.  La Crosse Democrat Ron Kind joined Republicans F. James Sensenbrenner, Paul Ryan and Sean Duffy in voting no.     You can view the entire roll call for the amendment here:

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