NORML Looking for a Few Good Politicians to Legalize Marijuana: Tell Your Rep. to Co-Sponsor HR 2306
The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws Blog reports on the need for supporters, advocates, lobbyists and anyone who cares about ending marijuana prohibition to get active now!
HR 2306, the Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011, is still awaiting a hearing assignment from either the House Judiciary Committee or the Committee on Energy and Commerce. The chairmen of these two committees seem content to bury their heads in the sand and ignore the will of the people on this issue, while simultaneously stonewalling the democratic process. The refusal thus far to allow HR 2306 its “legitimate debate” illustrates the frustrating side of national politics.
However, the twelve co-sponsors who have since joined with HR 2306’s primary sponsor, Rep. Barney Frank, in supporting this bill show that not all lawmakers are content to watch tax dollars being frivolously thrown away while our citizens are being robbed of their civil liberties. We need more brave individuals to stand up and rally with them, which is why NORML is asking you to reach out to your elected officials and encourage them to co-sponsor this important legislation. With each legislator added to the list of co-sponsors, we are adding a new political ally and demonstrating the widespread support for our cause.
Over the past 70+ years, the federal criminalization of marijuana has:
1) Failed to reduce the public’s demand for or access to cannabis.
2) Imposed enormous fiscal and human costs upon the American people.
3) Promoted disrespect for the law.
4) Reinforced ethnic and generational divides between the public and law enforcement.
This debate is long overdue. It is time to rethink the leaf.
Contact your Representatives today and tell them to stand with us and co-sponsor HR 2306.
NORML would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to Representatives Polis, Paul, Honda, Nadler, Conyers, Cohen, McDermott, Norton, Lee, Stark, Rohrbacher, Rangel, and, of course, Barney Frank for their support and advocacy of HR 2306.