Milwaukee and beyond, next marijuana reform meeting on January 31st.
WHAT: Third meeting of like minded folks in the greater Milwaukee area
WHEN: Monday, January 31st, 2011 at 6:30pm – 8:30pm (weather permitting)
WHERE: The Brewing Grounds for Change located at 2008 North Farwell Avenue.
WHO: Hemp, Cannabis and Marijuana supporters, NORML members and general public.
There has been renewed interest in the Milwaukee and greater Milwaukee area of becoming more organized and active in helping change the marijuana laws in Wisconsin.
We need to harness the power of Wisconsin to move our legislators FORWARD as our state motto suggests. The Southeastern Wisconsin area is starting to come alive with the buzz of organization and possible a new chapter of NORML to serve the growing grassroots movement.
So much so an additional meeting has been set up for Monday the 31st at The Brewing Grounds for Change located at 2008 North Farwell Avenue.
This is the 3rd meeting of Southeastern Wisconsin’s emerging cannabis reform organizaton. Join us for our next meeting as we continue to build the foundation and plans for 2011. We have an informed member speaker, who will give a basic history on the prohibition of cannabis to the group and help lead the group discussion on the prohibition of marijuana/cannabis/hemp.
There has been a Facebook page created for group and Facebook event for January 31st meeting. Supporters are encouraged to reach out to other family, friends, colleagues and those who maybe interested. Also suggested is to notify your local media outlets, including community calendar of events. Fyers have been printed for the event and they can be found at ATOMIC GLASS (1813 E. Locust) and at Starship (Farwell Ave., next to Exclusive Company). Please stop in and pick some up, share with a friend and post at a high traffic location.
Please do not hesitate to contact if you are unable to make the meeting but still interested in helping.
You may also subscribe via email to the blog of NorthernWINORML and get up to date information sent directly to your email.
As more information develops, we will keep you posted.