River Falls Journal reports voters in favor of medical marijuana

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As we now know, the Dane County Medical Marijuana Referendum passed by great margins.  The River Falls Journal reported on the passing of the other medical marijuana referendum in Wisconsin.

In the City of River Falls, an advisory referendum in support of allowing medical marijuana use passed by a margin of 2,722 (Yes) to 1,270 (No).

It was in September that the River Falls City Council, with some reservation, voted to allow an advisory referendum question to be printed on the local ballot during November ’s election. Voters were asked if the Wisconsin Legislature should enact legislation allowing residents with debilitating medical conditions to acquire and possess marijuana for medical purposes if supported by their physician.

Congratulations to River Falls and Dane County voters for passing their referendum.  No doubt it just helps to have the words medical marijuana on the ballot.

Field work, volunteers and leaders are needed in every community in every county throughout the entire state of Wisconsin.  Please stay in touch with Jay Selthofner as you move forward with your activism.

Be the change you want to see in the world.  If not you, who? If not now, when? Join your Northern Wisconsin NORML today.

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