Mieko makes medical marijuana mainstream on ABC 20/20


This Friday night July 23rd (check your local listings ) ABC’s 20/20 will air the story of Mieko Hester Perez and her son Joey’s Journey that was originally intended to educate us back in June of 2010.  The delay has not stopped this marijuana mom’s media blitz.

Unconventional Foundation for Autism - www.uf4a.org
Unconventional Foundation for Autism - www.uf4a.org

The delayed airing of the ABC 20/20 special caused a campaign by cannabis activists that sent nationwide feedback to the network.  Since June, Mieko and Joey’s journey did not go unheard of or unread about.  Many families dealing with autism had a chance to buy Mieko’s ebook entitled Autism and Marijuana – A mother’s fight to save her son’s life – Joey’s story is available on E-book format and I was able to purchase it for $10 on the following site:


Autism and Marijuana – A mother’s fight to save her son’s life – Joey’s story

sponsored ads do not necessarily reflect the viepoints of Jay Selthofner

June also saw the Unconventional Foundation for Autism (www.UF4A.org) launch the Nationwide Law Enforcement Autism Awareness Registry which is designed to assist local law enforcement agencies in a nationwide “compassionate act” in being aware of children / teens and adults diagnosed with autism in the community they police.

Issue #23 (June 2010 edition) of Treating Yourself, The Alternative Medicine Journal, which is distributed internationally also featured the story . The 13 page article written by Lindsay Rogers provides a variety of insights and a unique look at medical marijuana through a child’s eyes as Rebecca, Joey’s 12 year old sister explained how she “got her brother back”.

Treating Yourself,  The alternative medicine journal
Treating Yourself, The alternative medicine journal

The Treating Yourself  article mentioned the THC Tour (Talking Hemp and Cannabis) held at the Berlin Public Library in February 2010.  Local resident of the Berlin area and organizer of the THC Tour, Jay Selthofner arranged for a combo of cannabis supporters to speak to elected officials in Madison to urge the passing of The Jacki Rickert Medical Marijuana Act.  The article mentions the meeting with Kevin St. John, Special Assistant Attorney General for Public Affairs and Policy when Selthofner, Perez, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition’s James Gierach and Dan Schroeder of M2j Media Group met with the Attorney Generals office.  Selthofner also had presenters who spoke at the THC Tour available to meet with community leaders in private before and after the events.  Selthofner was initially inspired by Perez story, which led him to his advocacy for pot and he is becoming a leading activist in Wisconsin with the help of many people and organizations.  Jay is currently running for Wisconsin State Assembly as an Independent candidate with an emphasis on reform for the marijuana laws.  TreatingYourself magazine is donated by Selthofner to several area libraries, including the Berlin Public Library where the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, Northern Wisconsin chapter has meetings every Tuesday.  Come check out the magazine and other cannabis resources available at your library and attend a NORML meeting.

Mieko Hester Perez and L.E.A.P’s Jim Gierach had a mid west reunion just recently. They first worked together at the Berlin THC Tour location, but reunited with a all star cast for  The Science and Compassionate Care Seminar, presented by 420 University which took place in Kalamazoo, Michigan on July 10th and 11th.

The Unconventional Foundation for Autism (UF4A.ORG) was the Official Charity for the Slightly Stoodpid and  Cypress Hill concert in Irvine & San Diego CA July 16 & 17th.  Sightly Stupid has signed a surfboard to be auctioned off at an upcoming Unconventional Foundation For Autism Fundraiser.

Let us hope this Friday night everyone watching ABC 20/20 will pay attention to this story and become as inspired as the rest who have had a chance to seek the truth, honesty and compassion about medical marijuana.

Link to ABC 20/20 Article: http://abcnews.go.com/2020/MindMoodNews/marijuana-alternative-treatment-children-ocd-autism/story?id=11227283

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