Letters from Readers: Medical marijuana should be available in Wisconsin
Medical marijuana should be available in Wisconsin
I am writing this letter in regard to legalizing medical marijuana in Wisconsin.
When I read that Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn signed the law legalizing marijuana for medical use, I literally cried. I wish Wisconsin state legislators would listen more to the people who are suffering from chronic pain and would greatly benefit from its use.
I am 64 years old and have had five failed back fusions. The first was in 1989 through 1998. I now have four titanium cages, cadaver bones and fused from L3 to S1, mid-back to my tail bone.
I now have a spinal cord stimulator implant to help mask the pain along with medication. Chronic pain has lead to severe depression and loss of interest in things I loved to do — gardening, baking and walking outdoors — as they lead to more pain.
I rarely go places with my husband or be with my friends. I’m difficult to live with due to my pain.
I’ve used marijuana and know how beneficial it is. It helps reduce pain and gives me a better quality of life. I’m unable to use it now due to losing my doctor’s help. I believe medical marijuana should be legal for those who see their doctor on a regular basis for their condition and leave it up to their discretion for patients’ use.
I plead to the Assembly and Senate to pass AB475 and SB371 as soon as possible and do what’s right for Wisconsin.
Joan Busalacchi-Pautz