Who’s laughing now?


As printed in the Berlin Journal, Green Lake Reporter, Omro Herald, Princeton Times Republic, Markesan Regional Reporter and Fox Lake Representative Issue Number 30, Thursday July 29, 2010

Who's laughing now?
Who's laughing now?

Who’s laughing now?

I would to thank those who have appreciated my efforts and ultimately my campaign for State Assembly. Running as an Independent and conversations about voting party lines spawned the phrase “take the party out of politics and put the people back in”. Everyone laughed as they referenced my platform to re-legalize hemp cannabis for “recreational” purposes, or to “party”. But as we have discovered, marijuana reform is no laughing matter.

As a nation, marijuana is still the largest cash crop despite spending approximately $6 billion dollars so far this year enforcing prohibition. If we taxed marijuana like alcohol, we could have generated approximately $18 billion dollars.

Cannabis laws are changing from coast to coast, will Wisconsin be left behind or benefit the most?
Cannabis laws are changing from coast to coast, will Wisconsin be left behind or benefit the most?

As many have requested, I will continue to keep the communities updated by letters to the editors. The Friends of Jay Selthofner have also established the campaign website. As the campaign continues, additional issues will be addressed, but as we all know our state is facing a deficit. Marijuana laws are changing from coast to coast, will Wisconsin be left behind or benefit the most?

Jay Selthofner

Help by donating just $4.20 today.  Paid for by Friends of Jay Selthofner, Jessica Franke, Treasurer.  PO BOX 542, Ripon WI  54971
Help by donating just $4.20 today. Paid for by Friends of Jay Selthofner, Jessica Franke, Treasurer. PO BOX 542, Ripon WI 54971

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