Dane County Medical Marijuana Referendum passes with high support

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Dane County shows true progression, or at least the voters of the district are showing progression.  Perhaps just the word medical marijuana helps voters identify the question.  With voters turning to just a name and the party on the ballot, usually voters are unclear of the politicians that support pot and end up voting and toting the same old party lines of the past.

The Dane County Medical Marijuana Advisory Referendum exceeded expectations, garnering more than 156,000 votes and nearly 76% of the total cast.  Voters and supporters need to carry this momentum and keep pressure on elected officials to enact and vote on legislation passed of the will of the people.

Another area of Wisconsin also indicated support for medical marijuana reform.  In River Falls, where Alder Bob Hughes worked to get the city’s Medical Marijuana Advisory Referendum rolling early this summer.  Many other initiatives throughout the state where targeted and started, but lack of volunteers on the streets and in the field prohibited obtaining the signatures needed.  Prohibition does not work.  But the referendum process does and the final was YES by over 68% in the River Falls Medical Marijuana Referendum.

Field work, volunteers and leaders are needed in every community in every county throughout the entire state of Wisconsin.  Please stay in touch with Jay Selthofner as you move forward with your activism.

Be the change you want to see in the world.  If not you, who? If not now, when? Join your Northern Wisconsin NORML today.

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