A Cannabis Fair: Ed Thompson and Gary Storck

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The First Ever Ben Masel Defender of Liberty Award present to Ed Thompson

Gary Storck addresses folks at A Cannabis Fair that took place on July 23rd in Kendall, Wisconsin. Gary explains some of the organizations he has worked with over the years and reminds fair goers of how much Ben Masel will be missed.   In honor of Ben Masel and to keep his spirit with activists, Ed Thompson was awarded the first ever Ben Masel ‘Defender of Liberty’ Award.

Ed Thompson goes onto to give a very emotional speech that highlights some of the fundamentals of why marijuana is reform is so important to so many.


Gary Stork reminded us of the past work Ed Thompson had done for the reform of marijuana laws and medical cannabis patients’ rights in a Madison NORML Examiner article that said in part:

Thompson, a former Tomah Mayor, was the 2002 Libertarian candidate for Wisconsin governor and received over 10% of the vote on a platform that included protecting patients who use medical cannabis. Jacki Rickert, namesake of Wisconsin medical cannabis legislation – The Jacki Rickert Medical Marijuana Act” — served as Thompson’s Buffalo County campaign chair.

Ed Thompson has been battling pancreatic cancer since his diagnosis in 2010 while campaigning against State Sen. Kathleen Vinehout (D-Alma) as a pro-medical cannabis Republican. He still nearly prevailed despite having to curtail campaigning due to his treatments. He is the brother of former Wisconsin Governor and US Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson.

Thompson also served with award namesake Ben Masel when Masel was active in the Libertarian Party. Ed’s supper club in Tomah, the Tee Pee, has hosted several Wisconsin NORML state meetings including one in 2010 where Tommy Thompson dropped in to say hello to Ben Masel.

Gary Stork reminds us to immediately contact Senator Jon Erpenbach and Assembly Representative Pocan to help support the Jacki Rickert Medical Marijuana that is currently in drafting and expected to be introduced by the end of 2011. Additional sponsors and co-sponsors are needed and we urge you to contact your elected officials with your support of medical marijuana.

You may find out who your Wisconsin Elected Officials are by using the following link:


or use the NORML Widget!

View the entire series of videos taken at The Cannabis Fair on the Youtube Channel for Northern Wisconsin NORML.

Or view the following blog articles:

Jacki Rickert Inspires Cannabis Activists at the Kendall Cannabis Fair

Jacob Sieg shares experience of living through a No Knock Raid after discovering medical marijuana would save his life.

Disabled Veteran and NORML Jay Team Up at A Cannabis Fair in Kendall

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