Start 2013 off with high activity

Wisconsin Cannabis Activists will start new year with high activity. Here are the next five (5) meetings/events that are being held throughout Wisconsin in the month of January, leading up to a statewide “Cannabis Lobby Day” on Wednesday January 16th., 2013.
The Wisconsin state legislature’s 2013-14 session will begin on Monday, January 7, 2013 with the swearing-in of new and returning legislators. In January and February, legislation will be approved to establish the rules of the legislature and elect the leaders of each house, a process that occurs at the start of every legislative session. In these early months of session, legislators begin introducing bills and the Governor usually delivers his State of the State Address and releases his draft of the biennial budget. Committees begin to meet and hold public hearings on bills and offer amendments.
You can watch much of the legislative action on Wisconsin Eye’s website and on it’s TV station in much of the state. Wisconsin Eye is available on Charter Channel 995 or Time Warner Cable Channel 363. Personally, if traveling to Madison on the 16th to speak directly to your elected officials, you may want to contact them ahead of time, confirm their office location for the 16th and possible set an appointment time to speak with them.
Please share and notify everyone you know and please participate in the Wisconsin Cannabis State Wide Lobby Day on Wednesday January 16th, 2013!