Senator Feyen has conditions for backing medical pot

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As the Republicans hint of crafting their own medical cannabis bill in the 2019-2020 session, it will be important to keep the education train going about medical marijuana with this Senator from Fond du Lac:

A statewide poll shows overwhelming support for legalizing medical marijuana, and a Republican from northeast Wisconsin says he’s open to the idea.

Senator Dan Feyen Assistant Majority Leader Senate District 18
Senator Dan Feyen Assistant Majority Leader Senate District 18

Sen. Dan Feyen of Fond du Lac says he’d need to hear what doctors think, along with the FDA. He’s also concerned that the federal government still classifies marijuana, on the same level as cocaine and heroin.

Feyen says he doesn’t support legalizing recreational marijuana, after hearing from police chiefs and sheriff’s departments.

Feyen was a guest on Fresh Take with Josh Dukelow on WHBY.

The Marquette Law School poll found 83 percent want to legalize medical marijuana with a doctor’s prescription. Fifty-nine percent support legalizing it recreationally.


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