Editorial: Attitudes on marijuana changing, so should laws by Gary Storck

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Wisconsin State Journal

It was good to read about the WISDOM group and bipartisan support for alternatives to incarceration for people charged with drug crimes.

Marijuana being the most commonly used illegal substance, state lawmakers should take note of changing attitudes toward it. Colorado and Washington voters passed initiatives repealing marijuana prohibition at the state level. Massachusetts voters made that state the 18th plus Washington D.C. to legalize the medical use of cannabis.

Meanwhile, Wisconsin has some of the most punitive, backward marijuana laws in the nation. It has a patchwork of local ordinances and state law with wide disparities in penalties, and it mandates a felony for second offense for possession of any amount of cannabis. These antiquated laws consume criminal justice resources for nonviolent, victimless activities.

If lawmakers are serious about cutting costs and increasing efficiencies, decriminalizing pot and taking away the felony for a second offense would be a long overdue first step.

– Gary Storck, Madison, co-founder, Is My Medicine Legal Yet?
Read more: http://host.madison.com/news/opinion/mailbag/gary-storck-attitudes-on-marijuana-changing-so-should-laws/article_da46f4b8-3a81-11e2-a1b2-0019bb2963f4.html#ixzz2GTaKgrL4

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