Wisconsin Marijuana Reform still hot topic and readers educate about benefits of industrial hemp
Working with the general public over the last year, it was truly how amazing the support for marijuana reform was out in the fields. From rural Wisconsin to the largest cities, it was not hard to find people who supported Industrial Hemp, Medical Marijuana and Recreational Cannabis. I generally focused on the medical marijuana bill (AB554) when working with the public, but soon found out that support for ending marijuana prohibition for recreational users generally harbored nearly as much support as medical marijuana.
The real surprising factor unfortunately was the lack of education the general public had on the topic of Industrial Hemp. Somewhere along the way, Industrial Hemp was mislabeled as “marijuana”, which of course caused problems. But another problem I identified is that those who know the difference between hemp and marijuana, seem to know hemp only as rope, or a fiber product. Although folks understood the hemp plant can be used to make rope, once they learn the diverse range of eco -friendly products ranging from food to fuel and of course fiber, well, that just adds fuel to the fire to get active and help change the current laws.
It was very refreshing to see hemp cannabis, industrial style back in the news. The Northern Wisconsin NORML blog reported on the importance of taking action.
TheWisconsinNews.com recently reported from a Clintonville reader addressing the need to help support hemp production in Wisconsin. A brief and effective letter is keeping hemp cannabis in front of the eyes of readers of local newspapers in Wisconsin. It is the hope of Northern Wisconsin NORML and other marijuana activists hope that this type of activity spawns need citizens to get active with their community leaders and elected officials representing our interests.
It appears a recent editorial in the postcrescent.com entitled Help Support Hemp Production was spurred in part by another editorial by frequent writer and activist, Jeffrey Smith. The original article my Jeffrey Smith spawned blog reports with the headings “Appleton Post Crescent reader demands Doyle calls lame duck session on jobs and finish Wisconsin’s Industrial Hemp Bill” among others. With a lame duck session pending, will more readers respond and become active?
Thanks to Jeffrey Smith for his letter to the editor about the Industrial Hemp Farming Act being considered as state legislation. This bill would ultimately help our diminishing farmsteads again thrive in Wisconsin. Your letter helps to raise awareness, and hopefully will get people involved to call their representatives to pass this bill.
The hemp plant can be grown in Wisconsin and is harvested in 120 days. Hemp is a non-drug cannabis that has low THC content. It’s naturally resistant to most pests. It can reduce soil erosion, and water and air pollution.
One acre of hemp will produce as much fiber as two to three acres of cotton. Hemp has many uses, including durable fabric and textiles. These clothes last twice as long as cotton-made clothes.
In addition, hemp health foods are a great source of vegetable protein and vitamins. Hemp seeds can be made into many of the same products as soybeans.
Hemp paper products last longer, don’t discolor as quickly and can be recycled more times than paper from trees. One acre of hemp can produce as much paper as two to four acres of trees.
Hemp can be used in fossil fuels such as ethanol and diesel and in products such as paint, varnish, ink, detergent, beauty items, lotions, candles, jewelry, plastics and more.
Let’s keep the people of Wisconsin employed by using this fine product. It’s a great resource because of its countless uses.
Kellie Van Asten, Clintonville