Senator Roger Roth 2018 Marijuana Statements
We pushed hard a got referendums coming up and pretty much every major news source is asking candidates about marijuana reform! Pay Attention!
6. Would you support changing state law to legalize marijuana and/or cannabis products? If so, under what conditions? If not, why?
Roth: I don’t believe there’s enough data available to understand how it would affect our society in a number of important areas. Some initial statistics from states where it’s legal show an increase in fatal crashes attributable to drivers testing positive solely for marijuana. Our local law enforcement officials are against it, and it’s unclear how they could accurately and immediately test for driving under the influence of marijuana in the same way as they test for alcohol. I am also concerned that legalization could make marijuana even more accessible to minors as well as the health consequences from smoking.
7. Why are you running for office?

Roth: As your state senator, I want to work to make the Fox Valley a place where our communities can thrive. That means tax relief for our families, high-quality education for our kids, and creating new economic opportunities for us all. Our reforms have moved Wisconsin forward — we now see a stronger economy, record low unemployment, a state budget surplus, and a lower tax burden. Now is not the time to go back to reckless spending, budget accounting tricks and tax increases. I want to continue the momentum of working toward a prosperous future for your family and mine.