Glaucoma Patients to Flood Michigan Capital to fight SB 977
The hemp cannabis laws are changing from coast to coast. In some states not fast enough and in other states, some say too fast. No matter what state, constant vigil of the bills that come before legislature must be kept.
I have been paying more attention to Michigan, and in my research, I came across a Facebook post that had a familiar Wisconsin name in it. It is always great to see activists networking and helping each other, even if that means crossing borders. I had subsequent chat with Becca Hollandsworth, Operations Director at the Robert C. Randall Memorial Wellness Center in Lansing Michigan. Shet had this to say about that familiar name, Gary Storck:
I am honored and thrilled to be having him [Gary] along with the other remaining living IND patients coming in for the official grand opening of the R.C. Randall Memorial Wellness Center, to lobby in the capital to stop bill 977, and to be hosting the Federal Patient Reunion Dinner.
Here is a copy of the Facebook Post and call out looking for Glaucoma patients to help with this initiative.
There is something so powerful and moving when you see people come from around the COUNTRY to help fight Michigan Senate Bill 977. The R.C. Randall Memorial Wellness Center along with: Alice O’Leary, Gary Storck, Mike Boutin, and many more are dedicating 3 days to visiting as many legislators in the Capital as possible. On September 11th, 12th, and 13th The R.C. Randall Memorial Wellness Center is hosting a few events that we hope will shake up our Capital, and bring common sense and humanity back.
For months we have asked for people to share that we are trying to locate ALL of Michigan’s registered Glaucoma patients. Here is why! We want to FLOOD the Capital for 3 days. We want to have our legislators see what the “Lost 500 Glaucoma Patients” really looks like. Our vision matters just as much as anyone else. It is disgusting to know that it has been said out loud, “It’s only 500 people” by OUR legislators in OUR Capital. Glaucoma has a strong history of medical use for over 30 years now, and it was Robert Randall who in 1976 won the D.C. Superior Court for medical necessity and became the FIRST FEDERAL patient. Here in Michigan we had a bill that was VOTED IN 133-1 in 1979 for GLAUCOMA and Cancer patients that ran for 5 years. These legislators need to know what it is like living in fear of loosing a medication that helps eye pressure, and the repercussions it will cost the patients who have glaucoma if Senate Bill 977 were to be voted in. The legislators need to also understand that “Us 500” will stand up and fight and let people know to NOT re-vote these people in if they pass this Bill. These legislators need to know our history, because it seems to me from every visit I’ve had with them they had NO CLUE about our own states history. They need to know our history, they need to know we will not take this quietly, please come stand with us!
If you know of ANY REGISTERED GLAUCOMA PATIENTS please have them contact us! Also, if you are an activist who wants to stop the insanity at the Capital and join our efforts for any part of these 3 days please email me so we can get you involved as well! We will be having appointments spread out over 3 days, and any day or time you can be there we want to help you get here. We need people to help and step up for PATIENTS rights instead of self-serving interests. We need people to represent the patients best interest…….if they remove or tamper with Glaucoma don’t think they aren’t going to go after Chronic Pain next.
Please feel free to contact the Robert C. Randall Memorial Wellness Center at 517-580-7344, Becca Hollandsworth, or Mark Leasure if you are interested in being part of this nation-wide effort!
Many of you in Wisconsin know the history with Gary Storck, but for those new to activism, here is a wonderful video highlighting some of the great work Gary has accomplished in the past decades. Thanks Gary!