WisPolitics.com virtual luncheons should address marijuana reform

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As the 2021-22 Wisconsin Legislation cycle begins, expect a lot of virtual meetings, town halls and forums. Use this as your opportunity to engage your elected officials. Upcoming here in early 2021 are a few chances.

Newly elected US Rep. Fitzgerald we should ask about federal legislation known as “The MORE Act“, Robin Vos we should ask about his inaction the resolution to forbid Vos to claim he supports medical cannabis, The Joint Finance Committee we should focus on keeping bud in the budget and the Democratic Leaders we need them to take a united front and consider a few things this legislation session; 1) Use this session as an opportunity to highlight the fact for the past 10 years the Republicans are the obstacle to reform, 2) Do not submit legislation unless it is bi-partisan and/or do not submit any legislation at all and put the pressure on the Republican Caucus to come up with a bill, 3) Have 100% of the Democratic Caucus co-sponsor the medical marijuana bill and decriminalization bill the Republicans come up with to avoid the “circus” of a public hearing that Vos so much fears.

My two cents, you can give them yours. You can register and submit your question by using the links below:

These events will begin with a moderated discussion and then shift to questions from the audience.

January 14th, 2021 with U.S. Rep Scott Fitzgerald

January 28th, 2021 with Assembly Speaker Robin Vos – watch the “medical marijuana question/answers and review my comments on this interview in my blog entry Robin Vos still offering lip service and the media lets him lie.

February 4th, 2021 with U.S. Rep Mark Pocan

Feb 18th, 2021 with Joint Finance Committee Co-Chairs

March 4th,2021 with Democratic Legislative Leaders

April 15th, 2021 with Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu

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