Winnebago County on high alert

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Decriminalize Wisconsin

Those of you active with cannabis reform know that at the state level everything legislative moves slow right until it moves and than it moves fast. That is not so much the same for local marijuana reform, which moves quickly and is usually over before anyone even knows. Municipality leaders, such as county board supervisors and city council members often see a higher amount of turn over and new faces in their elected body that is not always witnessed at the state level. This high turnover, along with frustration from local leaders that the state fails to move forward with marijuana reform means the topic comes up again and again.

Opportunity Everywhere!

At the local level, Wisconsin is comprised of 72 counties and 595 municipalities. These two entities are allowed to govern and make rule by authority for 25 grams of marijuana or less in their jurisdictions. The statute 59.54(25)(a) for county government to enact friendly ordinances for marijuana possession and statue 66.0107 allowing the power of municipalities to prohibit criminal conduct via ordinance are great starting points for your cannabis conversation with local leaders. Unfortunately not enough municipalities and counties have enacted ordinances. This leaves a great opportunity for local leaders and activists to make change happen locally.

Winnebago County


Winnebago County attempted and was close to placing an advisory referendum on the November 2020 ballot and that full county board supervisor vote failed by only 2 votes! It took a few attempts to change the law in the City of Oshkosh, but we did it!

Now efforts to decriminalize Winnebago County are coming to action as County Board Supervisor and Public Safety Committee Member Brain Defferding has indicated he will be submitting an ordinance to change the fine for simple marijuana possession to $1 (one dollar) in Winnebago County.

First step is getting the ordinance introduced and passed through the Judiciary and Public Safety Committee which will hold their next meeting on Feb 6th, 2023 6pm at the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Office.


Monday, February 6, 2023 – 6:00pm

Agenda JPS 02.06.2023.pdf

Make the call or contact today!

If you are a Winnebago County resident, please contact the committee members with your general support to lower the fine to $1.00 (One Dollar) for simple possession of marijuana.

The Judiciary and Public Safety Committee are

Chair = Stafford, Bryan D.
Vice Chair = Defferding, Brian
Secretary = Floam, Jacob
Members = Paul Eisen and Conley Hanson

Bryan D. Stafford (920) 341-6440

Jacob Floam (920) 527-9288

Paul Eisen (920) 734-1303

Conley Hanson (920) 205-3063


Subject: Decriminalizing and lowering the fine of Simple Possession of Marijuana to $1 in Winnebago County.

Dear Judiciary and Public Safety Committee Member,

I am writing to you today to share my support for decriminalizing and lowering the fine for simple possession of marijuana to $1 (One Dollar) in Winnebago County.

OPTIONAL (but helpful): *Discuss the issue from a personal perspective. Share your own experiences or that of a family member or friend.* Be as concise as possible.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.


Your Name
Telephone Number


I am calling you today to share my support for decriminalizing and lowering the fine for simple possession of marijuana to $1 in Winnebago County.

OPTIONAL (but helpful): *Discuss the issue from a personal perspective. Share your own experiences or that of a family member or friend. Be as concise as possible.

AND, thank them for their time and attention to this matter!


Send the email or call again in a few days to reiterate your stance.

Share your actions and any related news on your social media.

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  1. Winnebago County. Case in point. No activism is easy and this is a marathon, not a sprint. But, if you are on the sidelines and not in the race, there is no way we will win.

    Winnebago County $1 Decriminalize Wisconsin is postponed to August.

    We even got bumped from the news also…..

    In the meantime, the Winnebago County activists need to create their workgroup and meet before and attend each county board meetings. If you cannot do that, this decriminalization initiative will not get done.

    Put the pressure on through education!

  2. Fox 11 WLUK did cover the story:

    WINNEBAGO COUNTY, Wis. (WLUK) — A Winnebago County board supervisor is pushing an ordinance that would reduce simple marijuana possession to a $1 fine.

    The county’s Judiciary and Public Safety Committee considered the measure Monday night.

    Prior to Monday’s meeting, Supv. Brian Defferding, District 6, spoke on why he believes this should happen.
    “The ordinance would adjust the county penalties for cannabis and THC down to $1 for up to 25 grams. Then after 25 grams, then it would follow the state statutes. And the state statutes, it would then be a felony charge,” says Defferding.

    The ordinance also provides the same exception for paraphernalia.

    “We have to ask ourselves, ‘Is this really worth our taxpayer dollars to pursue? Is it really worth our taxpayer dollars to criminalize and incarcerate people over just simply cannabis possession?'” says Defferding.

    Although, it does pose concern for the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Office.

    “I think it puts the officers and the deputies in a bit of a bind to make that determination on what they are going to do for a $1 fine, which is why I think legislating at the county level can be dangerous,” says Winnebago County Sheriff John Matz.

    The public was also able to make comments at the meeting.

    “I think it may be a little premature to discuss it here at this time. I would say if there was the ability to hold off on this until, let’s say the fall era,” said State Rep. Nate Gustafson, R-55th District.

    “I definitely don’t think we should push it back. Whether or not the state plans to act on the matter of marijuana legalization is irrelevant,” said a Winnebago County resident.

    Matz has concerns about the 25-gram amount.

    “With 28 grams, you could make 60 joints or 90 bowls. Now, that’s much more than what I would consider to be personal use,” says Matz.

    Matz says that amount could encourage selling.

    “In my personal opinion, I think people should be able to grow it in their backyard and sell it in their front yard,” says Defferding.

    At the meeting Monday night, the Judiciary and Public Safety Committee postponed further discussion until August.

  3. In addition to just being elected as a Republican to Assembly District 55, Nate Gustafson is District 28 Winnebago County Supervisor and was Elected 2022.
    1820 County Road II, Apt 27
    Neenah, WI 54956

    I was wondering who got room 420 North down in the state capitol and look who it is, our own Nate Gustafson:
    Madison Office:
    Room 420 North
    Telephone: (608) 237-9155
    Current Committees at the State Assembly:
    Committee on Judiciary
    Committee on Labor and Integrated Employment
    Committee on Regulatory Licensing Reform (Vice-Chair)
    Committee on State Affairs
    Committee on Ways and Means
    His legislative page link:

    During the 2022 Election, a Republican insider said he is for legalization and libertarian leaning on this issue. Gustafson did indicate to me he is not against legalization but has not developed a formal stance on the issue, he would just like more data regarding it.

    Now I wonder if Gustafson knows something we do not know about the Republican attempt to decriminalize at the state level and force counties and municipalities to comply to a certain dollar fine. This bill has morphed from 2017 when the GOP first attempted it and has become much more in depth and vetted, so maybe it will pass. It seems pretty clear medical marijuana will not pass and recreational marijuana legislation has yet to be even co-sponsored by any Republican, let alone authored.

    Either the above is true or Gustafson is not as friendly as we thought.

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