Tiffany March 21 in Cadott, Chippewa County
We have 360 members/supporters of cannabis reform with the Wisconsin Cannabis Activist Network in the Republican Congressional District of 7 (Tom Tiffany).

Bottom line, that is not enough. Especially since I have to write articles titled Congressman Tiffany blows smoke.
If you live, work or know of people in this area, now is the time to act.
If you want to travel to this area and collect signatures or hold an awareness event in a library, now is the time to act.
Governor Evers is keeping on his promise and doing everything he can for the legalization of marijuana in Wisconsin. We need to support Governor Evers including marijuana legalization in the upcoming state budget. Get ready to help Keep Bud in the Budget during the public hearing process again as the 2023 Budget Public Hearing dates are set and Wisconsinites are invited to attend to testify or submit a comment about the budget online.
Federal cannabis reform is moving also. We need to keep the pressure on Congressional Republicans to do the right thing. We need to do the right thing and that includes showing up and speaking at Republican Listening Sessions like the ones Congressman Tom Tiffany is holding.
Listening Sessions are an excellent time to meet with your elected officials one on one. Always remember to bring something of value to the table. If you plan to attend and need background information and talking points or are reporting the results of your meeting use our contact email at
March 14, 2023
WAUSAU, WI – Congressman Tom Tiffany (WI-07) announced that he will be hosting a Chippewa County listening session on Tuesday, March 21st. Congressman Tiffany will provide residents across the Seventh District with a legislative update and answer any questions from constituents.
“Listening sessions give me the opportunity to hear directly from constituents in northern and western Wisconsin, and I look forward to answering their questions and providing an update on what is going on in Washington,” said Congressman Tiffany.
Listening Session on Tuesday, March 21st:
Chippewa County
Location: DJ’s Restaurant
418 E M D St
Cadott, WI 54727
Time: 2 pm – 3 pm
These listening sessions are open to all constituents in Wisconsin’s Seventh District. Seventh District residents may also call Congressman Tiffany’s Office at (715) 298-9344 for additional information.
All media is welcome to attend. If you are a member of the press, please RSVP to
prior to the listening sessions.
Highlights and Information about Congressman Tiffany
According to the The Cannabis Voter Project Rep. Tom Tiffany:

- Does not support: Federal Legalization
- Does not support: Expunge Past Cannabis Convictions
- Does not support: Reinvest In Communities Most Impacted By The War On Drugs
- Supports: Allow States To Legalize Adult-Use Cannabis
- Supports: Allow States To Legalize Medical Cannabis
- Does not support: Allow VA Doctors To Recommend Medical Cannabis
- Does not support: Allow Cannabis Businesses To Use Banks
- Voted in favor of The Medical Marijuana Research Act, which would remove some barriers to medical cannabis research and allow researchers to use dispensary grade cannabis. (2022)
- Voted against the SAFE Banking Act of 2021, which allows banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2021)
- Voted against the MORE Act, which would end the prohibition of cannabis at the federal level, expunge low-level cannabis convictions, and levy a tax on cannabis sales to fund grants for communities that have been disproportionately harmed by cannabis prohibition. (2020)
- Born Wabasha, Minnesota, December 30, 1957; married; 3 children.
- Graduate Elmwood High School, 1976; B.S. in Agricultural Economics, University of Wisconsin-River Falls, 1980.
- Dam tender, Wisconsin Valley Improvement Company.
- Member: National Rifle Association; Ruffed Grouse Society.
- Town of Little Rice supervisor, 2009–13.
- Elected to Assembly 2010. Elected to Senate 2012. Elected to Congress in 2020 Special Election.
Public Comments:
- Quote: “There are a few laws at the federal level that I think we could take a look at. First of all, I believe we should allow the states to make the decision whether they want to legalize marijuana. That’s really consistent on my part, I believe that we should bring much more control back to the states on a variety of issues, and that includes this one. But one thing can be done by the federal government: Currently, marijuana is a Schedule I narcotic, no different than LSD, heroin, things like that. So it really prevents research being done by agencies of the federal government. We really could use that research being done at the federal level, to be able to give policymakers a better idea of the effects of marijuana. And that will help policymakers at the state level to decide if this is the best thing to do for our state.” (2020)
As a Wisconsin State Senator, Rep. Tiffany opposed the decriminalization of marijuana, saying: ““I find it outrageous that he [Governor Tony Evers] claims to be ‘for the children’ when we are beginning to understand the impact of marijuana on the brain, especially for young people.”
Wisconsin’s 7th district covers the following counties:
Ashland, Barron, Bayfield, Burnett, Clark, Douglas, Florence, Forest, Iron, Langlade, Lincoln, Marathon, Oneida, Polk, Price, Rusk, Sawyer, St. Croix, Taylor, Vilas, Washburn, Chippewa (partial), Jackson (partial), Juneau (partial), Monroe (partial), Wood (partial)
Contact Tom Tiffany
Phone: 202-225-3365 Address: 1719 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
Know more about this politician’s position on marijuana? Please contact our office and let us know!