Selthofner radio ad gets local sportsbike enthusiasts racing to the polls


The radio ads featuring the cannabis candidate seeking to restore truth, honesty and compassion to the Wisconsin political atmosphere drove local sportsbike enthusiasts to their polling locations.  No doubt they lit one up on the race to the polls.  One comment caught me eye from the online community.

I DIDN’T VOTE straight Republican for my first time. Yesterday on the radio I heard a candidate that wasn’t slinging mud. His only campaign point was legalization. He was a libertarian and he GOT my vote this round. We’ll see how well he does.

The comments in the thread brought Selthofner back in the loop for the race to state assembly and added a link and track back to our article.  A tremendous amount of traffic was quickly noticed, we had to investigate the origin of this powerful noise and quick spikes in visits.  We should have known it came from a sportsbike community!  Thanks guys!

I did too when the candidate had a good idea or two.

Selthofner traditionally has more Republican clients from his insurance and investment business with the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network. Why? It is not just the fact that Selthofner has been active in the business and farming communities, but also because the district is primarily Republican in nature. Green Lake County is viewed as so hardcore Republican by some, that the Democrats did not even bother to attempt to have booth, nor did the Democratic Challenger Scott Milheiser even make an entrance at the Green Lake County Fair.

sponsored ads do not necessarily reflect the viepoints of Jay Selthofner

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