Re: “Feingold has a special plan for America… but Johnson doesn’t,”
To the Editor:
(Re: “Feingold has a special plan for America… but Johnson doesn’t,” Ripon Commonwealth Press, August 19, 2010)
I couldn’t agree more with Ann when she says that voters should do some research to gather facts on each candidate before the elections. If you don’t have access to the Internet, you can take advantage of one of our greatest community resources – the public library – and use the computers there to go online and visit the websites of each political candidate. Voting is a grave responsibility, and we owe it to ourselves and our fellow Americans to research our current and potential elected officials thoroughly before casting our votes on November 2nd.
Politics can be confusing, with so many candidates throughout the state running for so many offices and discussing thousands of different issues. Don’t leave such an important matter until the last minute. Start doing your research now and in the coming weeks so that you have time to really get to know who is running for what and which candidate you prefer.
While I have voted every year since I turned 18 and consider it both my civic duty, and an honor, this year I am also very excited about voting. I cannot wait to cast my vote for my friend, Jay Selthofner, who is running as an Independent for State Assembly in District 41 on a platform of “Talking about Hemp and Cannabis with Truth, Honesty, and Compassion”. He has a unique plan to stimulate Wisconsin’s economy in many sectors, from farming, to equipment manufacturing, to product manufacturing, and more. If you would like to research Jay’s viewpoints and find out where he stands on the issues, you can visit his website: and also his blog:
Vote for Jay and Let’s Get Growing!
Jessica Franke, Treasurer, Friends of Jay Selthofner
sponsored ads do not necessarily reflect the viepoints of Jessica Franke