Press Release: Wausau NORML Meeting

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What:      Northern Wisconsin NORML Wausau Meeting

When:     Wed November 9th, 2011
                    4:00pm – 5:30pm

Where:   Marathon County Public Library
                     300 North First Street, Wausau, WI 54403

Who:        Membership not required, no admission fee

Wisconsin Medical Cannabis Activists are expecting a 2011-2012 Medical Cannabis Act and are starting to tour the state in anticipation of the legislation. Local supporters for reform of hemp cannabis (marijuana) laws will be in Wausau to promote the growth of Northern Wisconsin NORML, a regional chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML).

Featured speakers from Northern Wisconsin NORML will cover a variety of topics including chapter growth, ways to become active and a brief overview of three pieces of current federal legislation (HR 1831-The Industrial Hemp Farming Act, HR 1983 States’ Medical Marijuana Patient Protection Act and HR 2306 Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011). They also plan to have printed literature, membership forms and signature support pages on site, as well as chapter support gear.

Additionally, Ben Olson, an active member in the Libertarian Party of Wisconsin and past State Chairman, will be presenting. Ben has participated in the Global Medical Marijuana March in Madison, Wisconsin in the past and continues to help members of the movement throughout the state in their efforts for outreach on a grass roots basis. Mr. Olson will be providing local activists with key organizing tips and insight he has learned throughout his career, in addition to his views on cannabis.

Activist Author T.A. Sedlak will also be at the library to provide a brief synopsis of his book, Anarcho Grow, as well as speaking about his ties to marijuana culture and NORML. He will share his experiences in medical marijuana states but provide an emphasis on ways supporters can help get Wisconsin to where some of the other medical marijuana states are.

This event is not sponsored by the Marathon County Public Library and is only the location for the meeting. The address is 300 North First Street, Wausau, WI 54403.

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact Jay Selthofner at 920-410-2920, email at or visit


Download PDF for Press Release – Wausau Outreach Meeting

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