Lobby Day Sept 15 for Decriminalization of Marijuana in Wisconsin

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Wisconsin NORML

According to Wisconsin NORML , the organization is sponsoring a Lobby Day on Tuesday September 15th, 2015 at the Wisconsin State Capitol in support of marijuana Decriminalization (AB246/SB167: https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/2015/proposals/AB246) and hemp (AB215: https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/2015/proposals/ab215).

Attendees are urged to call your legislators in advance and schedule a 15 minute meeting for September 15, 2015.  From past feedback from legislators, they ask that we stick to decriminalization and/or hemp for topics so we do not confuse the issue. Future lobby days for discussing full legalization and medical marijuana will be scheduled.

In preparation for the meeting, Madison NORML announced this:

Madison NORML Logo
Madison NORML

Madison NORML‘s September 14th meeting will have special guests Rep. Barnes, sponsor of the decrim bill AB246, and Rep. Considine, sponsor of the hemp bill AB215.

Lobby Day will be on September 15 at the Wisconsin State Capitol. Please contact your legislators to schedule a short meeting with them on September 15th. This will be specifically for lobbying for AB246 and AB215 (not legal, medical, etc as it confuses the issue at hand according to legislative staff)

Have three key points about the bill(s) and be prepared to make your points within the first couple of minutes.  Even in the best case scenario, the legislator will only be paying attention for a few minutes.

September 14 at the meeting, we will be in the large room upstairs at the Wil-Mar (953 Jenifer St Madison) in anticipation of a larger than usual attendance.

Northern Wisconsin NORML

Northern Wisconsin NORML would like to add:

Not able to attend “Lobby Day”? Please do not hesitate to contact your elected officials (Wisconsin State Senator and Wisconsin State Assembly Representative) using the National NORML email system with a pre-written letter of support using the following link:  


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