Cigar Lounge Legislation
Bridging Cigar Lounges and Cannabis Reform in Wisconsin: Challenges and Opportunities Wisconsin’s Assembly Bill 451 (AB 451), introduced by Representative Nate Gustafson and supported by…
Bridging Cigar Lounges and Cannabis Reform in Wisconsin: Challenges and Opportunities Wisconsin’s Assembly Bill 451 (AB 451), introduced by Representative Nate Gustafson and supported by…
Assembly Districts BOLD NAMES ARE PRIMARY WINNERS Races without links = one or more candidates have no response / not enough information for an article….
The stages are set for the General Election on November 8th, 2022. We have documented below information about candidates feelings and actions about marijuana reform….
Fall General Election November 8th, 2022 Unfortunately, not all races had a primary candidate or even a challenger in the general election. These are the…
Last updated 5-29-2021 Assembly District # – Name – Occupation – Stance on Marijuana A=Adult Use M=Medical D=Decriminalization 1 Joel Kitchens (R – WI): Large animal…
Last updated 5-29-2021 Assembly District # – Name – Occupation – Stance on Marijuana A=Adult Use M=Medical D=Decriminalization 1 Joel Kitchens (R – WI): Large animal…
Last updated 4-9-2021 Assembly District # – Name – Occupation – Stance on Marijuana A=Adult Use M=Medical D=Decriminalization 1 Joel Kitchens (R – WI): Large…
The grass is no greener. But, finally, it’s legal — at least somewhere in America. By: Gene Johnson, Associated Press, Superior Telegram SEATTLE (AP)…